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About Ashtin... 

She will be attending the University of Houston to earn her Pharm.D. and MBA by 2028. She has a passion for helping those in need and has dedicated her life to making a positive impact in the world. The atello Project was born out of her desire to create a community where every student has a safe place at Texas State. I believe that by working together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Join us in our mission to make a difference.

Meet Ashtin Hardin

This was the first photo I took on the day of my incident. I had no idea what I was in for just a couple hours later. I was 18 and pre-med at the time and it happened. It was the first tailgate I went to the beginning of my freshman year. I kept drinking and having fun with people I thought were friends until I passed out and was taken advantage of.

I went to the hospital that night (unwillingly), got my rape kit done, and made the police report less than an hour after it happened. A couple days went by. Then, I started driving back and fourth to the SVU to check the progress of my case every other week until the Fall 2019 semester ended. I was able to use school to keep my mind busy with school and real friends. I earned a 3.89 GPA the same semester because I had the support of my friends and my own ambitions.

Yet, I cried myself to sleep for 8 months beginning 8/31/2019 (the day of my incident). I hit a major low then, the coronavirus pandemic hit March 2020. The courts were closed for those first few weeks which hindered any progress from being done on my case. I transferred to Texas State and began my adventure here Summer 1 2020. However, I quickly became engulfed by the darkness of depression and paranoia after I found my case was dropped by the state of Texas in 2021.



FOUR YEARS (2019-2023) after my incident, I decided I accept that I lost my own battle. But I'm not done fighting. Matter of fact, I declare WAR. A bunch of battles are what equals a war. Although I lost mine, I know I'm not fighting alone and neither are you. Let's fight this together and make a WIN. If you or a loved one need immediate help please call 911. Texas State University offers "affordable" access to therapy. However, if you've been through something like this and need help without the price-tag, please see contact me using the chat feature (bottom right). I will reach back out to you within 24hrs. 






This is my UGLY, and I'm airing this out.

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